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I am Laid Bare

Writer: Rainy GallosoRainy Galloso

I am laid bare.

My soul is naked.

I stand before The One that is Eternity.

My existence is as dust in the wind.

Yet… More important to creation than the rotation of earth's spin.

Every particle of my being knit together by The Hands of Eternity.

Every breath planned.

Every path paved.

I am alive.

Wonderfully and purposefully contrived.

I am sustained by love.

My soul was bought.

Yet my flesh is fraught… Why?

For a moment, I lose focus.

For a moment, I take my eyes off the sacrifice of love.

For a moment, I forget I step in unison with The King.

Fear comes rushing at me, shackles at the ready.

Anxiety is close behind with his deathly tether.

Shame comes with his collar and muzzle.

I fall to my knees.

I feel a lack of ease.

I can see darkness taunting me.

Thoughts twist as I choose to listen.

My heart drops as the past comes rushing back.

Thought after thought… WACK!

Each one, a dagger to the heart.

So many years spent alone and cold.

So many years being told,

“You're nothing,

A waste of space,

A bother and a nuisance”.

Spit running down my face.

Broken and bleeding, my heart shouts.

My soul begs for healing.

I can't go any further on my own.

I look around but I'm so alone.

No one to lean on.

No one to talk too.

No one to listen to my heart's cry.

Darkness creeps closer to his kill.

Suddenly he lets out a shriek so terrifying and shrill.

He runs for cover.

Every atom within the atmosphere goes still.

Flashes of light from every side.

Shackled and tethered from head to hide.

Shrieking and writhing he and his cohorts are swatted into oblivion like a useless fly.

The Voice of Eternity speaks…

"This one is not to be touched, she is mine and mine alone, to anyone that does touch her, a great reckoning will come to you. My beautiful beloved a new day has begun, get up now there are new songs to be sung. Get up my dear one, for that moment has passed. Keep your eyes on Me, your roots are growing fast”.

“There is much you can't see and that’s okay, stay in my shadow for now it's time to rest and play. My beautiful beloved I've fashioned your heart after mine and together we will be; beyond the end of time. My majesty surrounds you like the dawn of a new day. Upon this promise you NOW will stay".

"My glory rests on you like the gentleness of a dove, this promise is fulfilled, you fly above. Your head is spinning for so much has taken place. My word to you brings ease, now walk at the Kings pace".

"Your sacrifice has been much but you never gave up hope. Despite my enemy's constant interlope. True is My love, it is the best. True is My love, more than all the rest. Our hearts beat forever as one, emitting the most lovely sound. Bringing life to all that see, every eye that beholds your beauty. I in you, and you in Me".


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