Behind me is the wilderness and the lessons.
Behind is the shed cocoon and all the messes.
Many years were scary and dire.
You used all those moments to refine me within Your Fire.
The One who is my portion.
A table fit for The King.
A table set out just for me.
Abundant portions spill over.
A holy hush fills the atmosphere.
For The One, who is my portion.
Crowns have been cast down.
Humbly, I bow down.
I worship at the feet of The One.
The One, who is my portion.
As I feast, my body is renewed.
As I drink, my dreams come back into view.
New dreams are issued from Your mouth.
For You are my portion.
Flesh of Your flesh.
Bone of Your bone.
Never was I left alone.
Jewels You adorn upon my soul.
For You are my portion.
You are my new wine.
Together we break bread.
Soaring as one, as eagles we climb.
For You are my portion.
Insatiable hunger for Your eyes alone.
Insatiably hungry for Your bread to fill me.
Insatiable thirst that can only be quenched by Your love.
Insatiable desire to fill my gaze with Your beauty.
You are all I need.
For You, are my portion.